Sunday, October 26, 2008


If you don't understand what the heck I'm talking about, here you go. I live in a pack called Element. Each wolf cub born in the pack is blessed by the wolf gods with the power to control an element. Except me. For some reason I have the power to control all the elements. I'm not very good with, controlling them, I still need to practice. My strongest element is Fire. It shows in my fur and my attitude. If you have any more questions comment and I'll answer them. Just for the record, I have no idea how I, a wolf, can type. So don't ask.I stole a laptop though, its pretty cool.


Cruz said...


I wanted to comment, but I didn't really have anything to add to your post (I already knew all that and I know why you posted it) So anyways, I'll check back later.


griffinrider said...

so you're a wolf. right. you can type, you can talk, you can breathe fire, you have opinions about recycling, you can steal a laptop. and you're a wolf. ok. blessedby the wolf gods. right.

thanks for clearing that up for me. i was a little confused for a minute there.

by the way, thanks for finally commenting!

The Nkari Clan said...

Hm... looks like the wolf god didnt only favor you wolves Firenze,

If offence was taken by that I didnt mean it, just my attitude....
